Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another delayed post.

I got a follow up call from the reconstruction surgeon to make a pre-op appointment. It's a paperwork and in depth consult to explain what exactly will be going on.  This is good because I can make a final decision at this point whether to do the reconstruction at all.
It's my chicken side coming through at this point. Knowing what is coming up in the long term just so I look 'normal' and don't have to wear anything 'special' for things to fit.
I've said that I have always tended to avoid difficult situations in the past sometimes it comes up and bites me later on. This decision is a matter of, do I avoid it and just live with my decision later on or do it now and 'build character'? (I'm a rough and tough character already if that is the situation!)
I am on the fence with this. Being a Libra I get both sides of a situation and weigh them until there's no time left and just take whatever side is first.  I was going to write that I'm leaning toward having the reconstruction, then the other side of the coin flipped and the little voice said, 'but think of how uncomfortable it's going to be... and then there's another surgery later on... and further down the road another one....'  That's a helluva lot of work to go through just because I want to have a normal silhouette.
Then I think about what Talib is going through. And another friends mom going through her breast cancer treatement, and a former coworker who is going through a kidney transplant situation with her little 2 year old son.
Why should I take the easy way out when they're going through rough decisions too?  This is a decision that is up to me alone, the initial surgery is unavoidable, I'll have paid my dues with that... but the other is optional.
I hate options. I always have too much to consider.
Am I being selfish? Chicken? Passive-aggressive? Scared out of my wits?
Um.. all of the above?
The appointment is next week, the surgeon is only in his office every other Tuesday, so that's another reason why my surgery is on the 14th next month. Makes it convenient for everyone.
Except me. But I had no choice really.
Okay... almost whining at this stage. I'm going to make a decision and stick with it. No 'buyers regret' in this case. Not taking back, changing lanes, or going back home.

On the bright side...
Going to see Avatar Special Edition in the theaters tomorrow. This is the first exciting thing that I've done in years. The last movie I think I saw in the theaters was the first Narnia movie. Good lord! I don't get out that much. Devon is going but Dan and Amber may not be able to due to finances. Rent, bills and Ava starting school all need to be taken care of first. Ava needs a whole new wardrobe since she's worn out all her old clothes, and she's grown of course.

Okay... need to get a shower and breakfast. There was something else I wanted to say but can't remember what it was. Must not have been important.

Two quotes this time...

Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. - George Bernard Shaw

And oddly enough... relating to Talib's last post.

Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug. - John Lithgow

Although I like Andy Rooney's quote I heard one time.
Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end it gets, the faster it goes.

1 comment:

Bart said...

Hey Pat, I know you fear the surgery from the whole mess, and you don't want any more pain than you have to. But the chance to get the surgery done for the reconstruction is not one that comes to everyone who needs it. Both choices of the surgery come with pain, you must take in all the elements of each choice. I hope you elect for the surgery. Your spirit will thank you down the road for getting the work done. Peace be with you Pat. Love ya!