Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's hot!

Temps finally climbed up into the 90's today, luckily I was indoors for half of it. I think it's down to the low 70's now and a bit hotter in the apartment. I am in a 'gypsy' skirt and a t-shirt with the small fan blowing on me. It's nice now.
I have discovered something rather annoying about my tolerance of different foods.
I can't eat potato salad anymore. Not that I get a stomach ache or problems like that... it's... byproduct of mayonnaise, egg and potato... rather.... shall we say explosive?
This is rather disheartening since I just acquired a small tub of some 'deli style' from a party.
Yeah... it's one of my favorite foods too! Dangit.
Another summer indulgence that I haven't taken part in is swimming. I haven't owned a bathing suit in years, and haven't had the time or inclination to expose people to my glaring white skin! Well, there's a solution to that. Katie decided to go down to the pool after I got home and I gave in. I put on a gypsy skirt and just hung my legs in the pool while she cavorted in the water.
It was wierd, I felt like my mom must have watching me do the same exact gymnastics when I was a teenager.  Very odd. Pool felt good though and it helped me cool down a bit. She's still downstairs I think talking to some neighbors.

I must say that Ava is growing up quite nicely... with humorous results. (I went over for a visit this morning)
They had a slumber party apparently, and last night one of their friends spent the night with her little boy who's just about 3. Well, being a boy, and almost 3, he's got variable sleep patterns. In other words, he didn't get to sleep until 1 am! They set up his 'crib' (soft playpen) in Ava's room who actually wanted to get to sleep. She finally came out and told his mom, 'I'm not comfortable with Angelo in my room. I'm starting school soon and need to get my sleep.'
Alrighty then!

Oh!  And...good things finally happen... I found my necklace!  It was in my purse, just where I remembered putting it. Having a black satin cord in a black purse, despite me taking everything out, it was apparently all tangled up in the bottom and I couldn't see it. I was rearranging things in my purse this morning and shifted something... I saw a familiar silver shape winking at me from the depths (it really isn't that big) and I reached in.. and found it... just waiting for me to recover it.  It's almost like magic really, I remember unzipping that pocket knowing I put it in there and felt around... but didn't find anything. I searched twice... it's almost like it was in another dimension and the timer ran out this morning and ::ding:: there it was!
I never really gave up on it, I knew I was just missing it somewhere.
So, on that note, I think I'll go find my quote and then search for a bedtime snack.

"To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age."  Thomas Bailey Aldrich

1 comment:

Bart said...

Hey Pat,
Great to hear you found your necklace. I would take that as a good omen that you'll be finding more great things coming your way. Be at peace, my sister. You will live thru this. And don't EVEN worry about getting explosive. You need fuel for what you're going thru, and, if it tastes good, have at it! Love ya, Bart