Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Quick post...

Last night was wonderful.
My regular knitting group night, everyone was outside Starbucks being such a nice evening, most of our regulars showed up which was amazing with everyone's schedule. I got there a bit late (because I stopped at Taco Bell for a burrito) and sat down. Everyone's chatting, typical knitting night. Then one of the ladies got up with another to go inside and get a drink. When she sat down again... she handed me a card.
It wasn't quite a 'get well' card but a wonderful sentiment from all of them. Also there was a gift certificate to a massage spa and a Starbucks gift card.
I was speechless. Though I had my suspicions that something was coming (yes... I caught that) When Liz (the lady that handed me the card) asked if I ever had a massage and I told her no..then the following week she showed when it wasn't her regular night... hmmmm.
But no matter, it was a great feeling to have them all there and showing their support and care. Every group has it's own dynamics and this one has been fantastic with no friction whatever. We're all ages, all types, but the knitting and stories is what keeps us together. We've had 'itinerant' members that still keep in touch on Ravelry and Facebook, which has spread us across the country.
I don't know when I'll be able to get the massage, and obviously I can't use it after the surgery, but it will be used and appreciated.
 The place is called The Knot Stop... local only which is highly recommended online, and oddly enough, my jewelry site is The Knot Spot. Hmmmmm.
Okay, need to go hop in the shower, it's going to be sunny all day today!  No clouds this morning!  This also means summer is officially here, it's going to be hot!
 And another quote that is oddly pertinent.

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.
  - Judith Martin

1 comment:

Bart said...

Hey Pat,
Yer always in our prayers, blessings to you, Bart