Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Well, here's the news.

I have a blue folder sitting on my desk, actually on top of my printer on my desk. It describes what my life will be for the next three to four months. What to expect, what I'll be getting and how it will affect my day to day life.
Yes, I am getting chemo starting the first week of March. I am currently waiting for the nurse to call me about an appointment to have a port put in for my infusions every two weeks.
They want to wait for my gall bladder surgery to heal, which is a good thing and the doctor was actually glad that was taken care of first so I didn't have that attack and surgery while I was on chemo.
My oncology 'team' is all female, which is refreshing for me. I like them so far which is good because I will be seeing them A LOT over the course of the next four months or so.
Okay, details on what I'll be getting which may sound familiar to some people.
I will be getting Adriamycin (or Doxorubicin), which will be switched off with Cytoxan and then Taxol. The details are a bit blurred at this point which one comes first but it will be in cycles but I do know that Taxol will be the last one. There are two other drugs that I'll be getting one is an anti-nausea for home, and another I get the day after my infusions every time. I'll have to have them write it down for me.
After that there will be a five year regimen of anti-hormonals. The way she explained it, there  were actually two 'forms' (not sure if I remember that right) of cancer and they both showed progesterone and estrogen absorption... have to ask her again whether that's right so that makes me a candidate for that therapy after all this is done.

But anyway, the ball is rolling. The silvery, glitter ball that has sat on my desk (somewhere) is rolling and will come to rest somewhere in mid summer. Hopefully with few dings and still just as resilient as it was the first day it was placed in front of me.

Oh, and there is a shop in San Diego that offers a free wig for cancer patients. When it comes around to that time, I might take them up on it.
Also for those that might consider knitting or crocheting hats or whatever for me when I do lose my hair.
I hate pink.
Blues, purples, greys, greens even.. combinations of those colors...
No pink.
I don't care if it's the world wide color for breast cancer.
I hate pink.

Get it? Got it? Good. Get on, get over it and get done.

I will be sick. I will be weak, I will be hairless eventually. But I refuse to allow it to affect my sense of humor or silvery glitter ball attitude. So there.
Remind me of that in about two months.

"Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated." - George Santayana

And sometimes it ends up saving some lives along the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Got it! LOL! email me or contact me in any way you want to, sister, at any time. Eywa watches over you, as does your friend and hawpanyu. ~ M'shkaa Tanhi'ong