Saturday, September 27, 2014

Continuing on... a walk through country roads.

All the time we were up there and we just relaxed. It was such a different experience and it happened in such a rush, my brain was in a blur most of the time.
Phone was going wonky, internet was sporadic, so was phone coverage, but then there was things to do.
Like gardening and taking long walks in the country.
Which Miki and I did. On Sunday I decided that was one of the things I needed to do so leaving the dogs and Devon at the ranch we went for a walk.
A two mile walk. We started out on a nice paved road, much like the one from my previous post. Then we saw this side road. It actually had a sign at the head of it that said there was a piece of property for sale. Being a former trail blazer and canyon explorer we both headed off down the dirt road. It was rather warm by then so finding shade was important, not much on this road though but we trekked on. We got to the end of it wayyyy down there.. a tall patch of some sort of native plants.. oh well dead end.
Not Miki, she says 'well it said it had some waterfront, where is it?' and goes barging through the tall 'weeds' that were taller even than me!
'Wait! There could be rattlesnakes in there!'
Now, for those of my brothers that remember our canyon home... this is not like me. We used to traipse around the canyons and follow trails all the time. But that was in the foothills of Southern California. We were ingrained with watching out for snakes on deserted roads and trails.
'There aren't any rattlesnakes here!' Sigh.. I had to head off after her and we finally reached something of a shoreline at one of the lakes.
Curiosity satisfied we turned back and headed to the paved road.

As I said it was getting very warm so I was looking at the tall trees on either side of the road.. reminding me of my childhood visits to Lake Tahoe. Homes here and there were tucked back from the road, a drainage ditch alongside was the clue that rainfall was more of a worry here than traffic. 
Yet another fern bordered dirt road leading off to a property flanked by tall trees. Yes this was the middle of a heat spell in summer but it still was a lot greener than anything in San Diego.
I love taking pictures of trails and have several of the local canyons in my own city, so took these to add to my collection.
We finally reached a T intersection and decided to turn left and follow the 'coast road' toward the ferry landing. This also meant a nice view of the Sound and the 'mainland' on the other side through shrubbery.

Continuing down the road, we talked about small stuff, plants, how to dye using natural materials, all kinds of stuff. Then I looked off across the road and saw some huge plants in a very shady area. It looked damp and cool in there and the plants were not familiar but I knew what they were for some reason.

"Skunk Cabbage!"
Now, I have never encountered this plant ever in my entire life but probably read about it in various nature guides and books.
I knew it immediately which still astounds me. When I stepped over the ditch to get closer, the ground was VERY soggy almost mushy, I got my picture and was so excited to see it. Now, most people who know this plant are likely saying 'What the heck?' It's called Skunk Cabbage for a reason. There wasn't any smell because I didn't touch it nor was it in flower. I just knew that was what it was. It has some uses but I was just happy to see a plant in person that I had only read about or seen pictures of.
We continued on our walk, now getting to the island cattle farm where many of the people get their fresh beef. I didn't get any pictures because most of the cows were up in the shade of trees near the barns.

I did see a Madrone shedding a layer of skin which always fascinates me in some odd way. We started seeing more houses as we got closer to the ferry landing. When I saw this picturesque yard I had to snap a picture. Just wish it was better.

That folks, is a yard surrounded by a white picket fence. That is a swing hanging from an apple tree. Just how country can it get? I mean really... I am just too long out of the country and this made me smile. The next house down or so, they had a vegetable garden in their yard.. surrounded on all sides by netting of course but I saw something that is matter of course.. for brewers.
Those tall bushy plants on the left side near the drive? Hops. Of COURSE! This is Washington! Of course you can grow hops in your yard.. if you have a need for them. I am not a drinker, and beer especially makes me gag, but the gardener in me would want to grow them just to say I did!

We finally got the the ferry landing, and it was very hot by now. There was nothing much in the way of shade for the past several hundred yards and we were starting to melt. The tide was out so we walked to the other side of the ferry road and took a stairway down to the beach. Again, picturesque is a mild word for it.

Long stretch of sandy beach, not for sunning... admiring, contemplating... and finding beautiful pieces of driftwood.

Yeah, yeah, we get that down here too. I would have taken a picture of it here as well but you know how ordinary things become more special when you are on vacation someplace out of your normal area.
Then there was this tree. Hanging over the beach. I could not figure it out to save my soul, have shown the picture to other people and no one knows what the heck it is. IF you, my reader, knows what this could be, let me know. It's driving me crazy! It is possible that flower looking seed thing is a gall of some sort. That's the best I've got on it.
So, we ambled back up the steps and the road.. which by now was very shadeless. Being around noonish, no shade whatsoever except for off the side of the road near the ditch. We walked maybe a few hundred yards and Miki had to call it quits. She pulled out her phone and messaged Devon.
"Help! Melting! We need a rescue!"
So, she told him where we were and he could drive her car and bring the dogs. It was glorious really. Our young stalwart knight, coming to our rescue in the AIR CONDITIONED wagon. We were happy to see him, though I was game to continue walking. Oh and the dogs were happy to see us too.
Did I mention it was hot?
Well we got in the house, had the air conditioner running there as well, got some ice water and I got some Coke.. and sat down to find out just how hot it was.
Gulp. 91. With 37% humidity. No wonder!
Devon on a lark checked the weather in San Diego.
I think he said it was 78 but humidity was 57% or something. Good lord what a difference! We would have been gasping and melting down there. I just knew it was hot and dry outside.
On an island. Surrounded by trees and water. In Washington.
Devon decided to go upstairs for a nap. Didn't say anything just went upstairs and that's what I figured he was going to do since he didn't come down for another half hour.
I was skimming through facebook when I saw the news. Robin Williams had died.
What a shock!  I gasped and told Miki, and we sat and looked through various posts and news. Devon came down looking much like anyone would after a nap, though I got the impression that he had been hot, which is not surprising.
I asked him if he got a good nap and he kind of stared at me and said no not really.
"I know what happened."
I kind of looked at him odd...
You see, our family has a kind of hidden trait.. psychic connection, ESP whatever. We don't really bring it up in conversation unless the topic turns in that direction.  Well it turns out, Devon had a dream that Robin Williams and he met up and he some how knew Robin was dead. Devon told him how much he enjoyed his work and Robin told him he was happy he made so many people laugh. That's about all I remember of Devon talking about the dream. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it so I didn't push it.
Poor kid.
It was a real shocker to the world and a great talented soul will be missed.
I don't remember much of the rest of that day. I think one of Miki's friends and her daughter came by to spend the night. Not sure. If it was Sunday that was likely what happened.
Monday's report... on another post. Last day and night of our trip... and more photos.

1 comment:

Miki said...

last month the seed/gall things on the trees transformed into PEARS! LOL