Monday, July 9, 2018

Still alive...but it's been brutal

Nothing amazing until recently.
Work has been erratic, I bought a small charcoal bbq for the 4th. Cooked hotdogs with Amber, Wellman (her boyfriend) and the kids at the park down the block. Walked everything back and then walked to the big park for the fireworks. They all had fun.

I had to work this last Friday when it was 108 in my location. Full 8 hour shift and it was brutal. The next day it was in the 90's and still horrid. Well all that high heat apparently did a number on me (best I can figure out). I had intestinal spasms on Friday night...real bad to wake me up but had subsided sufficiently so I went to work the next day. I've had one episode like this before and chalked it up to gas bubble. Saturday was all right, drank water as I should but at 4am Sunday the spasms started up again and worse. Haven't had pain like that since my gall bladder attack. I called in sick and stayed in bed for the most part all of Sunday.
Was feeling well enough by the evening that I could get out of bed and sit at the computer then put on some pants and went to the store to get some approved food for my issue.
Wheatberry bread, bananas, strawberry jam, a thermometer. Yeah I somehow lost the thermometer I  had before, since I so rarely need one never replaced it.
So now I'm feeling humanish again and have an 8 hour shift today at work. The thunderstorm from the south has moved in making it cloudy, humid and still about 85-90 degrees outside with 55% humidity. Miserable.

Other than that, life as usual. My last week at Beverly's on the schedule is next week. July 18 and 19. Everyone there is scattering for various reasons, vacation, a death in the family... we're planning on having a reunion at sometime likely next month. 

All our customers seem to think this was a full time job for us. I keep reiterating that for most of us it was a part time job either for retirement or necessity. Manager was the only one that was still full time and more. The store is emptying quickly but a lot will still have to be packed up and shipped off to the other stores and the warehouse.
I don't know how many other people can say that they worked for a company long enough to see it go under. It's an emotional situation. There was a situation a few years ago where overnight corporate goons came and locked the doors on a Hometown Buffet without telling the managers or employees. It was truly shocking and brutal, it was the local restaurant of choice for the seniors that lived nearby.
Luckily that didn't happen to us. Retail works differently usually when you have millions of dollars of inventory that has to be sold.

(Just looked outside, there isn't a leaf moving on the tree in front of my window. Yesterday it was moderately breezy. Today, barely a whisper.)

So anyway, life goes on. Don't have work until 11:30 today so I might go early and see about a trip through Costco for some vitamins and gingko. Been needing those for a while.
Guess that's all for now. There was something else I thought of a while go that I needed to put in here but can't remember right now. (see note above). 

"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it."  - The Talmud

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