Sunday, February 11, 2024

Going pretty good actually

 At least it feels that way.

The weather is clear for this weekend and a little of next weekend. Rained or was cloudy for four days straight. Had forgotten what that was like until it was sunny again. I know it can be weeks of clouds  up in the PNW and can totally understand the weather induced depression.

I have also realized how much ADD/OCD I have recently with my knitting projects and other things going on. Just now I looked down at my Hawaiian style shirt and realized two threads about an inch apart had been snagged and so the printed part of the thread was shifted down about 1/16th of an inch. I know how to fix it and started looking for a pin or something to do so then realized I was in the middle of typing this, stopped and refocused. Meanwhile, back at why I was posting....

Where was I? 










The weather is good, cold, clear and breezy today with the neighbors wind chimes going off almost constantly (not a bad thing), I'm working on multiple knitting projects at a time, the garden is exploding like crazy with the rain and now warm sun going on. It's Lunar New Year  of the Dragon, Superb Owl today ('The BIG Game' as some people have to call it), and we have food in the fridge, freezers and cupboards with about $60 left in the EBT and I have all but one 'utility' bill left to pay. Then next month, extra money goes POOF into the rent increase.

There was something else I was going to mention on this page that I thought of two days ago and well, you know how that goes. If you don't write it down, it's gone in a matter of minutes. And that reminds me that I need to take what's left of the OTC card money I have and see about getting some ginkgo again for brain help. I'm taking fish oil already which is supposed to help with the Diabetes, hair and memory. I think.

Oh yeah, we were planning on going to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park for free this month (formerly known as the Wild Animal Park) being 65 it's free all this month (except for parking at $20). Then I considered; it's a 45 minute drive from our place, would eat up about a half tank of gas and more using the car without an oil change is kind of chancy. Jon doesn't do well with walking around a lot without a nap in the middle of the day so honestly, it's not worth the drive sadly. Oh well. I liked walking around there years ago but it's changed a lot and being more out of shape now, even walking around the zoo was a chore last year.

I finally convinced Jon to start taking multi-vitamins at least. One of his inhalers isn't covered by his 'insurance' the pharmacy put it. He got that prescription from his MediCare doctor before and they filled it for a few dollars. Very odd. Not sure what's going on with that but his doctor is looking into things. 

 We voted already in the CA primary, we got our ballot/election information, then a few days later got the actual ballots. Took a day or two for us to check everything and fill it out, signed and dated the envelope, sealed and the post office is right up the road from us so we dropped them off on the way home from the shuttle run. Jon even walked them inside and dropped them in a mail box instead of doing the drive up. Which is sad right now as they had to seal up the usual pull open style mail box so you have to get out of your car in order to reach the slot with what you're mailing. So there was a parking spot open, I parked, he walked them in and dropped them in a mailbox inside, maybe took a minute and we were off to home again.

It's just mind boggling how easy it is and yet there are some politicians that are trying to subvert the system and prevent whole districts from voting because they know they would swing a vote in the wrong direction for them. Just ... makes me sad and angry. And don't believe anyone running for an office that says they can snap their fingers and lower the cost of gas and groceries.

Anyway, groceries is another thing. We had to get more cat litter for Rocky and the Walmart Grocery store was right down the street from there so we stopped in there for a few things (normally go to Food 4 Less aka Kroger) I realized we needed eggs and was shocked to see the prices 5 or almost 7 something for a dozen. I know the prices at Kroger were less and had to pass on getting the eggs, last I checked at F4L they were about 4 something for a dozen.

I have been looking at photo editing stuff to do graphics and things I used to do for second life and one of my friends I have from there asked if I would be willing to do a cover for a book he's writing.  I declined then a few days later saw that there was a program that did posters and covers and stuff  that was free. Oh well. I used to use Photoshop Elements, great program, loved all the features but the last version I had was from 2016 I think. They have an update thing but the farthest back they go is 2021 and they knock $20 off the $99.99 price. I told Jon and he said 'when we get greenbacks next month we'll see about getting it. I reminded him that rent goes up next month and said 'oh that's right' a bit sadly. Will see what else I can find. It's not a high priority really.

So really, not much going on in my life right now which is good. Waiting for another calamity to strike that will set us back again.




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