Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Due to a recent event at work...

I have now set this blog to invite only.
I'll hear about it at work I suspect but here's what happened.
One of my managers, who tends to be a worry wart and nosey has been reading my blog even though she isn't listed as a follower. She's been kind of doing it stealth like but told me she was reading it.
Well today at work she called me into the office and said 'WE're very concerned about you'.  I gave her a look of, 'We???'  They're concerned about how I'm doing and how my chemo reaction is going to get worse and rather than lose time at work (I only stayed for two hours the Friday after chemo) I should go on full disability. They'll write whatever is needed to the doctor to get me full disability so I can stay at home and rest. So I can have more time with my kids and grandkids....
It felt like she was telling me they were letting me go. I was stunned. I am doing fine at work, I've gone through two weeks just fine and I know the effects are cumulative but I want to work as long as possible. She said, 'You're working 7 days a week, you need to heal and rest'. Yeah and guess what? I am rested and I am healed. Dammit, I'm not an invalid! (Yet.)
I feel that she's reading my blog and passing that 'private' information on to the other managers and 'the family' (the owners) making it sound like I'm worse than I'm letting on.
I consider that an invasion of privacy and using information against me.
I did not feel too keen about it and told her I made it through two weeks of work just fine and we'll see how I feel next week after chemo and then talk.
I'm not worried about my job security. Gods, I just passed my 14 year mark last month. She made sure to tell me my job would be waiting but, 'you need to rest and heal after your two surgeries...' good god... she's making me out like I'm walking dead! She doesn't know me as well as she thinks if my little complaints are construed as 'failing health'. Work for me is not's tiring yes, but I spend almost as much time resting at home on the computer! If I felt that I didn't want to come into work and it was stressful then I would jump on it, but it's not. I love what I do and seeing those people I work with every day is part of my healing. She doesn't understand that some people LIKE their jobs!
She'll probably call me into the office about it and I'll tell her straight up how I feel
'Did you tell the family about your concerns because of what you read on my blog?'
I'll have one of the other managers there too, Dale who's been in my corner all along giving me support. He's been telling me not to jump the gun because everyone reacts differently to chemo. He's been through it, he had a partner that went through it and some relatives and everyone is different.
I never got a chance to corner him and ask so it's going to hit the fan on Friday. But you know what..she can't do anything about it. This is a private blog that I made public ..I choose who I want to read it and it should not by any means influence decisions at my job. There's a name for that but I don't know what it is... whatever it is, I don't like it because I feel it's an invasion of privacy.

So anyway, no quote this time since it's cold and almost 1 am. I had to get that off my chest. I'll let everyone know what happens of course.


Unknown said...

Not so true,take disability and apply for SSI, U JEST DOAN NOE.
If its zombies u want,

Miki said...

Grrrr! The nerve of some people!