Thursday, March 14, 2024

And the other shoe has dropped

 Got a physical letter from SDGE for a disconnect notice in five days if I don't come up with $103 which is the remainder of my current overdue bill. I put the word out on facebook and only asked if four friends of my dozens of 'friends' there could pitch in $25, that would cover it. Is that too much to ask? We have been watching our spending and still can't quite make ends meet. I totally get that a good many people won't just give someone money to help out and want to 'pay' for something. I don't have anything to give. Jewelry isn't worth that much, my car is overdue for an oil change and other things so I'm reluctant (almost scared) to drive a long distance.

Other than that looming sword over my head, I did some baking and cooking, having a thunderstorm right now when the weather app said it wouldn't rain until tomorrow. Yeah that and other clouds were moving in this morning when I went out to check on the garden. 

Cooking happened yesterday (reverse order of the photos). Double batch of Jiffy cornbread mix that turned out wonderful with a teaspoon of added honey. I bought the Krusteaz brand because it was on sale beginning of the month and had forgotten we still had four boxes of the Jiffy. I much prefer the Krusteaz version, just enough sweet and it isn't as grainy. Then my 'famous' enchilada casserole in my deep lasagna dish I finally dragged out from the back of a cupboard behind the crockpot. Note: do not buy Kroger sliced black olives again. They have a funky taste that was minimized by soaking them in more salt but I ended up using them on only one layer and decided to toss the rest. Normally would have a sprinkling of green onions on top but I ran out of them by the time the top was done. No real loss, I have some growing in the garden right now.

Jon's having difficulty getting an official copy of his birth certificate. He has three 'unofficial' copies, I don't know why, but since they are not notarized they aren't official. He tried during the pandemic twice and they were unable to locate it and we figured it was because of the pandemic and no one being in the offices. Well he now suspects that due to the hospital he was born in no longer being a hospital locating records of anyone from that place is next to impossible. New York, go figure. He says his sister took three years to finally get her copy. It's almost been that long for us.

The reason why this is important is in case of needing to travel or proof of residency all that sort of other scary things. I have mentioned to him that we need to get whatever form it is that gives us legal power take care of the others finances and things in case of death or incapacity. I'm researching it and at least we need to have a Durable POA for medical reasons.

So on that morbid note, hoping that some friends can get me some money or I can sell something so I don't get cut off. More news when it happens. Maybe.


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