Friday, January 31, 2025

And now for my usual post...

 The weather has chilled down a lot. The rain storm came and went, now it's clear and dropping into the high 30's and mid 40's at night. It was 48 this morning around 8, the thermometer in the kitchen near the window was hovering around 60 and the one in the 'hallway' was 64. So rather nippy during the day as well, when it was cloudy a few days ago it didn't even get to 60 outside. And then it's sunny but still not very warm and a silly rose is blooming. Just goes to show there's always hope of brighter days in the dead of winter.

 Jon got to see his cardiologist.. another lady that he charmed of course with his sense of humor. He has actually lost almost 30 pounds since his first doctor visit and can attribute that to one of the meds he's on. The official diagnosis is 'a form of heart disease'. The thickening of his heart muscle was due to having to work harder during his bouts of asthma and pneumonia two years ago (that's my guess). It's a vicious circle, the heart was working hard which made it difficult for him to fill his lungs and that made his heart work harder. It isn't going to get any better but his doctors are working for longevity. His biggest complaint two years ago when he was sick was it felt like his lungs were 'rattling' in his rib cage. I think  he said he told the doctor that and what it actually could have been was the membrane around the heart was inflamed and full of fluid.

So, he was told that he has to buy a scale (which we did today) and is going to be taking a diuretic 'as needed in the evening'. So he weighs himself in the morning, then does it again in the evening and if he has gained weight (water) he takes a pill. If he has to take it every day for longer than a week he needs to make an appointment with the doctor or call. Doctor said it's going to make him pee a lot more, which is good and annoying as he pees a lot already. The doctor adjusted one of his meds and swapped out for another one. (He likes to sing when he listens to music on his phone in the evening and he's got much better voice and breath control).

He's taking three small pills in the morning and then an inhaler and then the 'large' pill in the evening. He's feeling much better, the hoarseness he had initially with the new meds isn't as bad and we don't know if that's because his body is adapting or the change in meds. Doctor was happy to hear he doesn't put extra salt on his food, told him (of course) to eat more veggies which he balked at. I told him it won't hurt either of us to have a big salad with tuna or chicken on the salad when it gets warmer.  His other meds are blood pressure (which was fantastic at his visit) and cholesterol and something else. Sorry I'm being vague, I don't know the names of all the meds and I should actually be more involved in what he's taking in case of an emergency.

Overall he's feeling a lot better and has made an appointment for a stress test in April (soonest they could get him in).

I just did the budget for groceries tomorrow, can barely afford eggs now due to Bird Flu devastating flocks of commercial chickens. The price will come down eventually but it may be a few years. Since I'm not baking a lot I only have them for breakfast, so only getting a dozen this month. I decided to buy the same cat litter Amber uses which is actually a good deal on Amazon. Had to get gas, thankfully Jon's new prescription was only $3, we split a sandwich, got a few other things that were needed and that means I don't have money for my garden again. Hopefully will get into an eyeglass location and get my new glasses and that will cut into my 'regular' money for the month, unless I get standard lined trifocals ::cringe::. 

Need to make a meal calendar so I can plan what to take out of the freezer for the next meal. Tacos, goulash, pasta, chicken, Asian rice and chicken, bbq chicken, hopefully I can get a chuck or pork roast. Fridge and freezer are almost empty because we've even been polishing off the leftovers. Like you're supposed to, I have to really work hard to convince Jon to eat leftovers and not turn them into soup. 

There was something else I meant to say and forgot what it was now.  Oh well. Oh! I managed to cause the toilet to overflow the other morning. That was exciting. The water pressure isn't good in the morning because so many people are up and about so I was half asleep and didn't hold the handle down sufficiently to get enough water to send everything down (side note, we don't flush at night because it's noisy and we only pee). So apparently there was enough toilet paper that it backed up. I had just fed Rocky heard the toilet gurgle and realized it was now up to the water line of the rim. It was.... cold water everywhere. I grabbed a bowl and started bailing water into the bathtub, Jon finally got up to see what the noise was (oh and I  had to grab my glasses so I could see what I was doing so that's what got him up), had to slowly tell him what happened and to dump out the laundry basket and get two towels.

Meanwhile, Rocky is still trying to eat his food, in the bathroom..... while we're sopping up the water. Finally got his food dishes out and was able to soak up the water, grabbed some pliers and turned off the water. It was .... a major inconvenience and did not set the tone for my day very well. I think that happened on Tuesday. The drive to and from getting the boys was eventful as well, a lady purposely pulled in front of me on the freeway and slowed down to the speed limit (I was only doing 5 over) and then we made eye contact as I got around her then she sped away to take the next exit. I have no idea what her point was...she didn't pull in front of me to make me slam my brakes on but I did have to slow down. I wasn't the only one doing 70 I was going with the flow of traffic.  

So anyway. It's been an eventful and stressful last week of the month. Hoping next month is a bit better but something tells me it's not going to be.


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