Jon got the results back from his echocardiogram (basically a sonagram of his heart) and all his other tests. What is so cool about having Sharp Reese Stealy for our medical is they have an amazing patient portal. You can see what appointments you have coming up, it messages or emails you a week before an appointment to have you sign in before you even get there. Doctors use it to send messages and updates, you can see all your meds listed, and referrals, anything and everything.
There were actual video snippets of the EEG that were taken so you could see the enhanced color blood flowing, the movement and Jon was just tickled to see that. So the results were that one side of his heart is slightly thickened and the doctor and he conclude that's likely due to having to work so hard with his breathing problems. The doctor's notes said she would refer him to a cardiologist for further notes and testing if needed. Well, the next day a message comes through saying 'you're invited to schedule an office visit with ::insert doctor name:: cardiology. So he has an appointment for the 29th to see that doctor.
On the other hand the Santa Ana's kicked up and it's the same system that has totally devastated L.A. and thrashed my allergy as well. I suffered through one day then got some medicine and took it in the afternoon. It's the equivalent of Allergen or whatever non-drowsy formula, problem is it also makes me kind of hyper... it's definitely not drowsy so I was waking up every hour or two through the night. I bought the 24 hour version too. Bleh.
So some minor sniffling going on and my second dose wore off about nine hours ago. I only take it when it's absolutely necessary. Picture has nothing to do with my allergy but it is a sign of the winter with Camellia's in bloom. This one is at the patio area of the complex and it should be blooming a lot more but it's in total shade and not taken care of but it's still a beauty.
My knee is much better now, haven't been wearing the brace even when I go for a walk. Went walking on Tuesday and was careful, boy am I out of shape. Legs and hips were hurting and I only walked for about ten minutes. Going to try and do it three days a week because I need to. One of the tendons is a little cranky right now but it's all my fault. Still haven't got my glasses because if I don't want to pay for them I have to have lined multi focus lenses. Progressives are $55 so that's something for next months budget which is only two weeks away.
We still have plenty of meat in the freezer, had a salmon dinner today with mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. We're doing really well on eating leftovers and smaller snack type meals rather than meat in every meal. I think we were running low on things over the summer when I didn't have to drive the boys four days a week. If we can keep up that sort of schedule over the summer then we'll be okay for a while. As long as the government doesn't change anything.
Will update when there's something to report.
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