Sunday, November 19, 2023

Still a bit unsure, but at least the weather is better.

 Weather is slowly sliding into fall and winter. We might have two days this coming week of 80 and then everything after that might be in the 70's. Yay! It's finally Fal!

Medicare still up in the air. I have to call Sharp Medical to see what the status of my account is. You see, I wasn't able to pay the premiums last year for about three months so they may have put a hold on my account. I need to make sure. Issue is, I don't get money until Dec 3 and the cut off for Medicare is Dec 7. Hoping they change Jon's pay date for Medicare to the same date as mine. It would make things a bit easier on us.

Jon got the renewal for MediCal and got that all squared away yesterday but still hasn't seen anything about his Medicare account being full and straight. Sigh. 

On the family front, Andrew and Wesley came down with something not Covid a week ago, Amber had been sick the week before and then after they got sick she got it again and I think Wellman got it too. Everyone survived but last night Amber called me and I thought it was going to be a call about Turkey Day shenanigans. No, turns out that Wesley had a small seizure that day. Thankfully Wellman was home and Andrew went and told him that Wes wasn't looking good... he called 911 but by the time the ambulance got there and got to the hospital he was just a bit drained. So apparently this is something that happens to some autistic kids. Amber said the doctor was not too worried as it was his first one but if he has a second one, that's when they start paying attention and doing more involved testing. Even as she was on the phone with me Andrew came to tell her that Wesley had just puked so she hung up and then called back and said he was fine, as that's another thing that can happen after a seizure. My wonderful daughter is blessed with endless curiosity and will research something to a thread. She's on it and everyone is on the same page.

I messaged with Devon last week as well. He moved from his cabin to an apartment that's  much closer to where he works (due to his friends cousin who owned the cabin wanting to sell it) and they don't have to pay for heating fuel or as much gas for the car so he says he's actually saving money now. Other than that, he's doing as well as can be expected.

Krys as far as I know is still surviving, raising her boys still in Virginia. Which from what I understand of the latest elections is a bit better for people wanting freedom of gender and birth choice. I was happy to hear that.

I've been cooking and knitting and gardening.


I have been cooking other food just must have deleted the pictures off my account for some reason or ate it too fast. Those are chocolate muffins which were decent, if a bit rubbery. A do again but need to research how to make them not so rubbery. The scarf I just finished last night and I call it my Mystery Yarn scarf. I bought the yarn years ago when I was still working at Beverly's, lost the ball band when I started that scarf another several years ago and now I want to gift it to someone, I only know that it's likely 100% acrylic and to not toss it in the washer. I tried several different searches but nothing close came up and it's likely been discontinued by now anyway. My manager gave me the name of what she thought it was but I'm not so sure. I tried knitting some hats for the boys but apparently I can't knit a hat. At least with the yarn I have so there may not be anything for giving this Christmas, again. 

I need practical and important things for Christmas. Fun things like yarn or gift cards to a craft store I don't need or even want at this point. What would really make it a Merry Christmas is not worrying about urgent bills that are coming or having enough food to last a month. That is a good Christmas. Gift card to a food store or an oil change, enough money to take care of registration, paying down SDGE, or some of storage rent. At least car insurance went down a bit more thankfully but there was a balloon payment this month for $81 which is another reason why we're more broke than usual.

Oh, we actually got real weather and a rainstorm!  We got strong wind, rain and a bit of thunder and lightning three days ago, it was wonderful! Luckily didn't have to go out in it but it was the kind of rainy day that front porches and rocking chairs are made for.

(Hope that video turns out, if not I'll just replace it with a static photo)

This is the view outside our kitchen window. Jacaranda still fully leafed out because it's on a different calendar than us. Rain and wind and thunder and (plastic bottle being crushed by Jon in the background) lightning.

Still the same financial and food worries. We're hoping that Jon can reapply to CalFresh (formerly known as 'food stamps') because that would hopefully double what our current budget is. We'll be driving south to pick up the big food donation box on Tuesday, there's a potluck planned on Wednesday for the complex and then Thursday we go to Amber's for dinner so meals this week are pretty set. Just have to coast until beginning of next month. I am down to $3 in the bank after paying rent, paid $90 to SDGE which was more than I could afford. Jon's in the same boat financially so we're broke till next month and only a half tank of gas in the car. At least the boys have this week off for the holiday but still making two major runs which will almost drain that half tank.

I got a reminder email from the DMV that I can register my car online now. I checked and yep, registration will be due in January. Something else I don't have money for along with, tune up or oil change that's overdue and possibly getting my tires rotated.

The garden is doing better at least, now that the weather has officially cooled off. Seeds are sprouting, most of them at least. 


I've got mixed lettuces busting out and then chives, one of the potatoes and some cilantro in the ground. Nothing in my raised bed yet because that still has bug issues and not putting anything in there except the other two potatoes that sprouted. I love potatoes.

Overhead view of the raised bed with two of the four potatoes coming up, sticks stuck in roughly where the pieces were put in. And one of the lizards went scurrying across the wall when I went to the garden this morning. They have made a home in that log pile and as much as I'd love to have more room in the garden for someone else,  I am reluctant to move those logs. There's a huge jade plant on the other side of my raised bed they could live in but honestly it would be more exposed and I'd rather keep a few logs for the local wildlife. Yes they're termites in the logs and likely a few spiders but hey... it's all part of the garden.

It is deliciously cold outside at night now, dropping into the 50's and 40's even so the seeds and plants are loving that. Us too.

So there you have it. Another update such as it is, typical worries and woes but at least the weather is nice right?'

(Actual pictures)

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