Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas and soon to be Happy New Year!

 It was a fun time had by all at Amber's place, and of course delicious and fantastic food cooked and prepared by her amazing boyfriend Wellman. Baked ham and a rib roast that was amazing.

The weather was perfect, not too cold or sunny (pictures are from different directions at our complex, first one to the south and the other toward the east.) The weather is still wonderful and we are hoping to avoid anywhere there are major stores or malls. It may be Boxing Day in other places but today I think is going to be Taco Day.

Still have a little money left over from my brother and my son giving me some Christmas money. Was able to get a few groceries and pay down the electric bill a little more and the internet that was overdue. So yay and thank you! Whoever said money is the root of all eveil must have been rich and talking about greedy overlords because when you're dirt poor money is the fountain of happiness.

 No, Amber is not that fat, she got a huge super sized pull over hoodie/robe/blanket thing she adores. The boys are wearing their new pajamas and the hats I knitted as we all walk to 7-11 for some milk that was needed for the mashed potatoes. This is what memories are made of and had to get a picture.

Other than that, we are feeling more positive about how the new year will be starting. My brain is thinking we'll be rolling in extra money then my logical side says 'now wait a minute...hold on there and do the math'. We'll have extra food money yes but that $300 has to last a whole month so can't spend more than $100 a week and that's pushing it. That money for food means we'll have a bit more in the general money that is also getting a boost from SS. But that's only going to be about $40 more but still, that's more than was there before so if we take advantage of that we have the same amount of money just a bill or two is getting paid rather than neglected. 

We took advantage of some sales at the store the day before Christmas so we're set for food for a bit, sodas aplenty, we have ham but we're going to our favorite taco stand because I've been wanting tacos for two weeks now. That's what an extra $40 can do, not the entire amount on treating ourselves but it's the holidays and that's what you do if you have the means.

So I hope that everyone reading this (either directly or vicariously) has had a reasonable end to the year. Any day above ground is a good day as they say, the quality is debatable, whether you're a weed or a tree. 

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