Saturday, January 20, 2024

After three hours of frustration.....

FINALLY! Good god I was to the point of tears and throwing things. Only way to convey the emotional rollercoaster I encountered today is with repeated use of gifs.

My call was dropped four times. First time, barely got connected with someone and then it dropped. Second, got through giving my name and phone number and as I was describing what happened, call cut off. Okay almost to the point of throwing something but calmed down and tried again third time. Got through the two minutes or more of the menu choices and finally waited on hold for fifteen minutes, then got someone that I could barely understand what they were saying due to interference, sound in the background cutting them out, then seemingly got that fixed, gave my information AGAIN told the female what the problem was, she said hold on just a moment....this is where it got scary. She wanted me to verify my name again, I told her she said that wasn't the same name they had on the account and the address didn't match either. 

She asked if I had ever had a different name on that account and told her that I have had the same name for over 40 years and the same account for twenty years. She couldn't do anything else until the account information was updated and would transfer me to customer support.

(see facepalm above)

She transferred me back to Cricket.... in the process of transferring.... call is cut off.

Luckily I got the number she was connecting me to. Seriously I almost threw Jon's phone on the counter but stopped and placed it gently down then walked the length of the apartment four times. Not enough. I put on my jacket to go outside, and it's raining.

Walk up and down the walkway once, stood outside and breathed deeply a few times then went back inside.

Got through to a female after ten minutes on hold, confirmed all of my information was correct, after correctly guessing my pin (thank my early self for using last four digits of my social). She verified everything was correct, I made sure she would transfer that information the right direction and she transferred me back to Asurion to refile a claim. 

LAST PERSON FINALLY! Another hispanic voice barely intelligible due to poor call quality, verified information, told him what the problem was, already got my account straightened out. He said the only way to get a new phone was to refile a claim and was able to do that right then and there.

Every time each person asked me how my day was going I was brutally honest. 

Bad day to try and give up caffeine and sugar.

He verified my address correctly and said that a new phone would be delivered to my current address in 1-2 business days. So this being a Saturday now, the hope is by Tuesday.


I can now continue with my day such as it is. It's raining and cold, it is now 3:45 and Jon is napping in the front room, Rocky is curled up under the covers on the bed and I am here... ate some food, took my supplements and am knitting a second slipper.

Just a side note, if you like radishes and can grow things, do it. These things came up in two days, I'll have radishes and carrots probably by Valentines day.

That's about the only other positive thing right now, low on gas and money right now so staying home is the only option I have.

Hope everyone else has a better day than I have.

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