Monday, May 6, 2024

I am so incredibly pissed I want to scream.


My new case for my replacement phone has yet to arrive today. Walking Rocky and what happens? He jerks my arm and my phone flies out of my hand onto the pavement. I haven't even mailed off the previous one! l've only had this phone for four days. I hate how thin it is, it's slippery which is how both times it has slipped out of my dry hand.  Luckily Jon had that much to spare in his account so it is currently processed through the insurance AGAIN for $40 which makes us AGAIN very thin in the budget. 

We spent all of our food money and then some because we were that low on everything. We have food hopefully and supplies to last us until the end of the month. I hope.

I found out yesterday a very close online friend died in a horrific car crash and am still trying to process that today and probably for a while. She helped me out emotionally and with some money last year and we had traded stories and our lives.  She lived in Mexico and was close to my age, it's so very tragic and our whole online community that knew her are reeling from the news. 

And yesterday discovered a huge rip in the back of my jeans where it had thinned out. I have a replacement pair but they are a bit snug and not good for sitting for long periods of time. I have a pair of sweatpants I'll have to change into later.

So yeah, it's been an emotional weekend that month so far that the only bright light (literally) is the weather. 

 I am just so pissed and crying or trying not to for the past three days. What's the name of that book? The Very Bad No Good Horrible day?

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