Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Everything's good again for my phone


 Previous, previous phone and previous phone comparison. Huge amount of more glass damage on the left. I actually got a small shard of glass in my thumb (no blood) before I put tape on it.

I got the notification that my case had arrived at the amazon locker in a corner liquor store up the road yesterday. I don't know why I decided to do that other than it being mildly annoying to have things delivered to the apartment and wasn't sure we'd be home. Anyway, I got the app open, read the instructions and then put my phone away, and off Jon and I went to go pick it up.

Well we get to the liquor store and it looked like it was a former auto place (that entire neighborhood is junk yards and auto repair places). It was solid cinder block and cement, so I get to the locker and open the app, no internet connection. We stood there with me trying to figure it out for a good five or ten minutes before the guy behind the counter asked if we were picking up a package, he said the walls are too thick so we would have to open the app outside first and then come in. I was so pissed already and frazzled I thought it was my phone so we drove back home. Phone was fine, I opened the app again and then kept it on the console between the front seats as we drove back. I hit the button to connect to the locker and as soon we we got within 5 feet it connnected, I hit the open button and got my case.


The phone arrived this morning! That was incredibly fast! I got a new charger plug and cord with this one. Hopefully it charges faster than the old cord. The typical issues with porting over everything on the previous phone was compounded by the amount of damage on my previous phone was so bad it scrambled my access code and wouldn't take my thumb print. I was locked out of my phone which meant I couldn't use it to sync everything over. I was on the internet with Samsung and Cricket looking for a way to get it unlocked remotely but couldn't find anything that didn't involve actually having a functional screen. I got the new phone started up at least so other than not having my collection of apps and such it was fine.

I then had the brilliant idea of digging my previous, previous phone out of the mailing envelope (I am so glad I didn't mail it off when we were out!) and used that one to sync with my new phone. It's all good from what I can see but it still doesn't think there's a sim card in but there is. Will figure that out tomorrow, the case is fine for now but it has a plastic screen cover not glass. So have to have absolutely pristine fingers or it gets greasy smears instantly, a better quality one will be purchased next month. For now, I'm relieved and can rest easy knowing I have a phone that is functional and protected against hard objects.

All done with that for now.

 We still have plenty of food, not other updates other than new yarn and garden is doing good. 

Behold! Supreme hot dogs. Mustard, relish, sliced tomato, sliced onion salt and celery seed. I realized a while ago that sliced onions on hot dogs make a lot more sense than having the little diced bits fall all over the place when you're trying to eat it.

If you'll excuse me now, I have to go to bed hungry because I spent too much time messing with my phone and didn't get a snack.



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