Saturday, May 11, 2024

This has been such an annoying five months

 So I *thought* my phone was functional until Jon tried to call me from the laundry room and it went straight to voicemail. I discovered through searching on my phone it wasn't unlocked yet, so I did that but still not working. It wasn't showing my phone number even on the phone info. I went to the website to try and see if I could unlock it from there and it wouldn't even take my log in!

I had to drive down to the local Cricket store and wait for the one and only guy there to deal with the lady ahead of the guy ahead of me. He had some hip hop type music on or some sort but then saw me and another older guy come in and left the lady at the counter to change it to something a bit smoother. Smart boy.

So he got my phone number asked if I was Patricia, (so already he's got my info then why did the website not even know I had an account?) through the typical hoops for getting the phone going, but he never explained what I did wrong, what had needed to be done, just did it and sent me on my way. I told him I had put the new sim card in not my old one, he didn't bat an eye. Before when I had to do this the girl behind the counter looked shocked that I had put my previous sim card in. Oh and the phone still doesn't register I have a sim card which I explained to this guy but again, no explanation. Useless for getting some information. Oh and because I had three replacement phones in the last twelve months I was kicked off the protection plan, which is bad and good. I at least have a case for my phone to protect it but if I somehow break it I have to buy a new one. On the other hand that reduces the cost of my monthly phone bill. It's all a balance I guess.

So the other aggravation/confusion has been SDGE. I have been so anxious about this and was trying to keep as much money in my account. I had $158 or something left and the website kept saying what I would owe is about $20 less than that. Good, squeaking by and then the car insurance autopay went through and suddenly I only have $85. Thanks to my son, who I love dearly and am so freaking proud, he sent me some money to take care of SDGE and then some. Happy Mother's Day! 

I got the summary in my email for my bill this morning and was expecting it because the last payment I saw for April was on the 11th so was expecting the stomach dropping amount but it said it was -$400 something and no amount is due. 


For F's sake.... okay so I then go to the main website to look at my detailed bill and there it is. Everything else is being paid by whatever programs I signed up for and my current bill due on the 13th is the $32 plus the current charges of $65 and change. Wow. Between my phone and that it's more hoops than a circus act to figure out what the heck I have to actually do. So thanks to my wonderful son I have enough to cover that and my phone bill and have a little cushion as well to float us to the end of the month.

Now that's all cleared  up and still can't relax much. The memorial service for my friend is online tonight and that's got me all worked up already. Don't ever ever have anyone tell you internet friends are not real.  The one thing that is repeated more than anything with second life is; real life first and remember there is a real person behind that avatar you're talking to. We are all real people and treat them with the same respect and understanding you would want to get. (Yes there are a-holes even in a virtual world but they are easier to get rid of and ignore there).

So I have been cooking, we've had pasta, chicken, that pork rolled roast was good but the second half of it went bad after three days in the fridge according to Jon. Had to go get another bag of potatoes, had microwave baked potatoes with the chicken thighs last night, cooking up one of the chuck roasts right now in the crock pot for either cottage pie or just eating with potatoes or rice later. It's a good feeling to look in the freezer and wonder what we're going to have next.

I remember seeing my mom sitting at the table with a snack of something and flipping through one of her cookbooks. Planning the next meals I know now, and knowing now that she had a full standing freezer of meat to choose from and a fridge full of other supplies, she is what I try to emulate now. I did cook a lot when I was married but it was very surreal and not at all the thinking process and joy it is now.

With my phone being bonkers for so long I didn't get a chance to take pictures of all my meals but will try and remember tonight and in the future.

Joseph Wellman, Amber's boyfriend graduated with a Bachelor's in Computer Science yesterday with honors! We are all so proud of him and now there's a juggle for him to find the right job and Amber to start her schooling back up in the fall. Amber took the boys out of school so they could all go watch him graduate, hope Logan was able to go also. I forgot to ask Amber about that. I sent her a big bouquet of sweet peas (the one pictured above) and the orange pair of socks I had been working on. 

Still working on another pair of socks, have wound three different hanks of yarn into balls without the benefit of the usual tools to do that. Going to be knitting a nice hat for Devon out of some of the new yarn I got and start up another pair of socks as well because they're so fun to do.

Yes I still have other projects to finish, shshsh.


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