Monday, July 15, 2024

Not much happening it's summer

 The weather I thought, was going to change for the better yesterday. Summer...yeah. Right.

 Yesterday and today. It almost seemed like it was going to have that warm vague summer drizzle yesterday but nothing happened. Today, hot, breezy and clear blue skies from sun up to sun down.

I finally was able to make a 'new patient' appointment with a doctor for the first of next month. A Nurse Practitioner actually and at the 'main' hospital for our area. There wasn't a doctor available closer but it's all good, it's near our sandwich shop so there's a bonus.

The boys go back to school on Aug 12, Amber starts her school semester a week after that and our pick up schedule is unchanged. At least I got my oil changed and tires filled and since we don't drive that much without that schedule, I'm still sitting at about 3/4 tank of gas after two weeks. Trying to go out at least to the store or pharmacy ever few days but if there's no need to drive, why do it? 

Jon's meds are all straightened out and he's learned that if he gets a text message saying to 'contact your doctor to refill your meds' he ignores it. If he does call he gets the run around, the order gets delayed and everyone is confused. It's likely just an automated message that is sent out no matter what because it's based on his med refill numbers not how it's done. Or something.

My system has leveled out a bit. No stomach upset, nothing unusual other than occasional sugar highs and lows which I'm trying to figure out best I can. I suspect the doctor is going to suggest a change of diet, more exercise, yada yada....  You want me to walk around the apartment how many times to be effective? If I had room and money for a treadmill I would be doing that ever few hours. My left hip is giving me issues from having to lean to that side when I'm sitting for hours at the computer. Just have to get up and move around more.

Once the shuttle schedule starts I'll be walking again. I managed (with a little help) to pay ALL my bills with about $20 left in the bank. Jon got the $45 fee back from the state of NY about his application being rejected. I don't know if he went to the website or not to figure it out. And then he bought a game system on ebay for $40 but it's been two weeks and no mail and his inquiries have been met with silence so he contacted ebay and refunded him the money.

No pictures of food this week, nothing amazing came out of the kitchen. Although I did make a great chicken and rice dish. We are running low on hamburger but will make it stretch, two weeks to go and I already encountered some hamburger in the freezer that smelled off. I usually put the meat in the fridge as soon as we get home and try to freeze it immediately. I think this was the previous batch that sat in the fridge for a day but still. It shouldn't have gone bad. We ran out of money to buy more hamburger this month but I still have plenty of chicken thighs, a chuck roast, we cooked the pork shoulder yesterday and I tore that up for putting in whatever we need. It's a bit spicier than I like because I used chipotle peppers and tiny red peppers but forgot adding sugar and lemon juice (need to remember to buy frozen orange juice next time for doing roasts like that). It's still good just have to use very sparingly for me. Crock pot for the win!

Might try and make some potato salad since we have plenty of potatoes and some are getting kind of soft. I wish I could afford really fresh potatoes instead of small sacks of old potatoes that are already questionably soft when we buy them. Speaking of which I have a potato plant that is growing (off season) and might have a few small red potatoes soon. 

The potato plant is making flowers, that's how you can tell they are getting ready to harvest (ignore that brown stick it's a flower stalk from an aloe plant I  used to hold up the plant stem). Also some yellow straight neck squash are coming in nicely though I think that one wasn't pollinated, it hasn't grown much than that and should be bigger. Need to have boy and girl flowers at the same time and the boys are lagging behind.

I have purple tomatillos growing like crazy and the tomatoes are still going strong, same with the peppers. I also have a Fish Pepper! No thing to do with looking like a fish and the name is based on how it was used and where it was sold hundreds of years ago. It's cool though! It's variegated leaves and fruit!

(not my photo, that's from the interwebs for some reason photos are being obstinate uploading from google) On the scale of heat, they're just below a jalapeño but it's the leaves and pepper coloring that I love.

That's my little pepper. I wasn't sure if it was a green bell pepper or the fish pepper but as soon as it started showing white streaks I knew what it was. Makes my little gardener heart happy.

That's my life right now, oh socks are coming along nicely making sure to work on them for at least an hour every day.

It's the little things you know. Not much of a life but it's what I've got.

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