Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A few updates

 The skies are very brown hazy from most of CA being on fire right now. Nothing near us but the wind is bringing the smoke haze so kind of yucky looking outside. Not like the smoke is on top of us but definitely has that brown shmutz to the light.

Just ugly summer air is all. Wind is blowing but not nearly enough to move it along.

Jon finally got all his forms and a cashiers check back from New York for his birth certificate. Apparently his given first name doesn't match what's on the certificate and was given a website to look at to figure it out. It'll get sorted but in the meantime it's frustrating.

As for me, I stopped taking all my supplements and naproxen for a week and my stomach feels fine. Still feeling a bit bloated but burping is mostly gone, I am still limiting my soda to one a day, trying to eat more vegetables and all that. Still haven't made an appointment due to avoidance and get busy then realize what time it is and then it's the weekend...yeah. Another thing I realized is I end up slouching or hunched over when I'm at the desk a lot as well as leaning on my left side and that folds my stomach. I've had salsa and spicy foods this week without my supplements and nothing painful has happened. I took glucosamine and my multi-vitamin yesterday with a full stomach, all is well. I took those two and one turmeric pill today so will see what happens.

My lunch today. In addition for what is on top I put mustard on the buns and celery seed and salt sprinkled on top. Deelicious. 

 I was gifted a 14lb turkey and we ate most of it down to the carcass. I froze most of it and the parts with more meat I put in the fridge. I finally got around and made a big pot of turkey broth soup yesterday, one container is in the freezer and the other is in the fridge. Yes, I know. It's summer and the last thing I want to have is soup but I couldn't let the turkey sit any longer in the freezer and fridge. I'll be adding noodles to it and it should turn out rather tasty. 

That is a crocheted kumquat with a knitted leaf.

Let me explain. One of the many running jokes Jon has is 'I love kumquats'. He doesn't. He's tried them and doesn't like them. I love kumquats so I was glad when he first said it but then explained he didn't really. I won't hold it against him. He says it anyway just because it's funny and (likely) thinks the word is fun. About a week ago I told him, 'better watch it or I'm going to make you a kumquat for your birthday'. Neither of us thought much of that threat until I was thinking day before yesterday. I remembered I have the perfect scrap yarn from my friend that is a perfect kumquat color. I found the small yarn ball and then saw that it had a bit of green on the starting end. PERFECT! 

Now, to find a pattern.... well that was more difficult and having started a crochet cat bed in a circle I kind of figured it out. I was about 2/3 done and then grabbed some cotton balls to use as stuffing. It's rather odd by itself so I remembered having seen a pattern for a knitted leaf. Again, I had just the right amount and color scrap yarn for making a leaf. This all came together in two days, it was that fast. Of course he has no idea it exists yet because he doesn't really pay attention to my knitting unless I point it out. So his gag gift is hiding in almost plain site on my side of the bed until his birthday next month. 

I need to find an appropriate box for it and then wonder what he's going to do with it. If he had his own desk I'd probably put it in a spot to see all the time. But this is like the Red Crayon I got him for Christmas a few years back. Little things that are inside jokes of sorts for us that manifest into reality. I can't make CG 3D art but can do this once in a while.

The complex had a delayed 4th bbq last Saturday which I baked two dozen corn muffins as my contribution. Boy was that a mistake.

So everyone signed up for different things and I thought this would be easy, which it was, but apparently no one else wanted them. I kept a dozen for us and the other dozen I brought home all but two. Jon stayed home while  I made a polite appearance and got a hamburger and hot dog and cherry pie. Honestly, as much as it's nice having a few people smile when they see me, the overall acuity level is very hard to tolerate. 

I had to show one lady how to set the standing fan to occilate and angle. It was her fan and her excuse was 'I just bought this to replace my other one that died'. Right, so I stepped in and showed her how to do it then jokingly said 'you know, things like this come with a little booklet that gives you the instructions' she said yeah the one I threw away. SMH. She's younger than me.

Oh and the fan as well as another box fan were sitting out on the patio to keep everyone cool. We were in the shade, there was a good stiff breeze blowing....there was no need for fans. The manager was handling the bbq and it was mostly blowing the smoke right into the window of the rec room area where the rest of the food was set up. Which.... caused a problem.

It set off the hard wired smoke alarm. And here they were, trying to turn it off, 'there should be a button!' 'there is no button it's wired into the building' 'where is it?' 'there should be a button on th the side' 'get a fan in here'..... the noise inside was a high pitched screech but an alarm bell was going outside the building, The manager was on the phone to the maintenance guy and was looking at the breaker panel. I was mostly done with eating and helped as much as I could then picked up my food, got some cherry pie pieces and left. I was done.

So needless to say we don't mingle with the other residents that much due to political alignments and general lack of insight on their part. Jon and I may be 'old'. but we sure don't act like it. We have most of our faculties intact, have a finger on the pulse of what's going on in the news and don't tolerate fools and rude people. If we had unlimited funds we would be traveling around a lot more and enjoying ourselves.

Life is such as it is and we make do with what we have as long as we  have it.




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