It is clear, sunny and edging up close to 90 today. Judging from the weather reports we will be having the AC on all day (turning it off in the evening) for the next few weeks. No plans for galavanting to see fireworks, besides I don't want to leave Rocky alone with the neighborhood setting off all manner of incendiary and explosive things for hours after dark.
Just showing clear blue skies, only a slight haze from the wildfire muchly southeast of us. We are in no way in danger from it and the winds have been favorable pushing the smoke around and not to us. It's not Santa Ana weather so the wind is going west to east.
This little fella was in my raised garden bed, still have no idea how it managed to get in considering there are no overhanging branches, nothing leaning against the slick sides or other means. Only way I could see is scurrying up the fence in the background and then hopping onto the trellis. That's a lot of work for someone that small. Anyway, I only kept him for a few minutes then made the mistake of putting him back into the raised bed and realized it couldn't get out. I wrangled him into a corner and let him go into the log pile where the rest of the lizards live.
Aside from the minor distractions I am going to have to finally make an appointment with a doctor because I think I have developed a stomach ulcer from all the pills I've been taking. Moderately uncomfortable burping usually happens coming from my left side and tomatoes and spicy food aggravate it. So, I am off all my supplements and the naproxen again for at least a week. I just had a big sandwich for lunch and I feel bloated but nothing more than that comfort wise. I know I likely mentioned this before but it's worrying me now enough that I have to just take a deep breath and get it done.
The two biggest irritants are tomatoes and spicy things, also caffeine and carbonated beferages. So guess what I made last night and the night before? Night before last I made another jar of salsa and yesterday I made meatball sandwiches with marinara sauce of course. I won't be having any salsa for a while either. I refuse to give up my one and only can of soda a day. I've cut it back from two or three so let me have that one indulgence. Staying hydrated with lots of ice/iced water at least.
We are still holding steady on paying bills and having enough food in the house. We're staying afloat barely and even got my oil changed this month! Yay! Thanks to Jon transferring money to our joint account to do that. He gets about $100 more a month than I do and fewer bills since my name is on all the utilities. I am still worried about how things will get paid if one of us dies or is incapacitated. Which is another reason why I'm mentally delaying going to the doctor in case a hospital stay is recommended at some point.
I've seen ads for a NOK Box which is Next of Kin Box that is basically a filing box with all important information in it for just that situation. I have a box kind of like that already but letting whoever know what is where is the important part. And of course bringing it up with Jon or anyone else is usually met with 'ah you've got time' No I don't. Neither does Jon. As much as we'd like to live another ten or twenty years, there is no guarantee of living to see tomorrow.
There's no guarantee that our country is going to be the same after November either. I can hope and pray with all my being that Trump does not even come close to winning, it would be a disaster for our country and the world. Need to get that through my daughters head that like Horton Hears A Who, every voice counts no matter how small. Her kids depend on not having a tyrannical dictator giant baby in charge of our country.
Okay that's my political rant for today. We still have a roof over our head, food in the kitchen, gas in the car, money to pay bills and for now, that is enough. I'm researching storage options that are closer to where we live and possibly cheaper, even if it's only $100 that's a big difference.
Finally found that picture from three years ago of the trees along the fence. Apropos of nothing other than putting it here to save for later.
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