Wednesday, October 9, 2024

It's my birthday! Got an eye check up!

 'Execute Birthday 66'. 

 Thanks to birthday monies, I stopped at Costco on the way home because I know they have the best cakes. This was the only cake of in the entire case that had decoration on it. Chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling, yes please!

So eye appointment, as bad and not so bad as previous ones go. No sign of glaucoma, no sign of macular degeneration, cataract needs to be dealt with before it gets much worse. Very efficient visit, nurse did preliminary check for my sight compared to my glasses. Then another set of tests when I got to the room for near/far sighted then waited for the doctor. The surprising test was what they called an OCT

"Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) are non-invasive imaging tests. They use light waves to take cross-section pictures of your retina. With OCT, your ophthalmologist can see each of the retina's distinctive layers and the optic nerve fiber layer."

It involved a machine you look in like when they're checking with a strong light, it scans your eye very quickly (if anyone has had an x ray where they tell you to breathe then hold it, that sort of thing but with blink then keep eye open and don't move) So that was something new and different, then what was really surprising was the glaucoma test. Previous versions that I have had were everything from a pinpoint needle testing the pressure in your eye (I seem to recall it having a small twinge of pain) and then the air blast in your eye. I told the doctor/assistant about that and they said they don't do either of those anymore due to PTSD. Wow.

So what they did was put anaesthetic drops in my eyes, took all of maybe half a minute for them to take affect then... what looked like an oversized digital thermometer that she would press on my eye in different spots to get readings. I had to seriously take a deep breath and relax so she could do it without me blinking. She held my lashes and lid out of the way of course but it was really surprising, unfortunately due to the cataract they couldn't get a good reading on my left eye.

So, slightly better prescription for glasses was written, took that and the plastic eye cover in place and checked out at the desk after that for the cataract surgery consultation. Which I got a call from on the way home from dropping the boys off. The soonest consultation appointments are June/July of next year. Which actually works out since I was worried about juggling the pick up schedule this year and early next year and the eye appointment and/or surgery. Soooooooo...... yeah. Since I got the call while I was driving had to wait until I got home and when I called back, five rings and no answer. Will try again tomorrow morning.

Looks like I might get that new prescription for the glasses anyway since it's almost nine months away for the consultatiom. As far as I can tell, eyeglasses after cataract surgery are covered completely and will know after the consultation what they are considering for the replacement lens.

 Oh and ballot for election was mailed off yesterday and we got confirmation they have been accepted and counted. YAY!


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