Thursday, February 27, 2025

And the shoe has dropped

 Just got the newsletter for our complex..... due to rising costs of property expenses (not sure what those would entail other than taxes) rent will be increasing another $25 in July putting our rent at $1075 and the cost of running the dryers in the laundry will go from $1.00 to $1.50.

When we moved in four years ago, almost five now, the manager at the time said that it was rent regulated so it would stay at $950. Rent has gone up now three times since then. If the current Thugs In Congress go through with their plan to cut MediCare and Medicaid, it's going to be a lot worse.

These little cracker boxes are not worth that much. It's getting close to the point where we can't afford to live where we are and can't afford to move. Not without a huge influx of money to move to someplace further north less expensive. Sigh I've posted the rough budget for how much it would cost for us to move, not going to hash that through again.  

There won't be any bonuses for first time homebuyers for years if at all, we could have had a chance if Kamala Harris had won but nooooo, we can't have nice things because ..... people are stupid.

Even if we sold the stuff in storage at an auction we wouldn't be able to get enough money to move. Abandoning them is not acceptable, yes it would save us $500 a month but at what cost to our hearts and our credit ratings. We don't even have enough money to get storage closer to us so it would be more convenient to sort through. 

Oh yeah and we now have a Measles outbreak in three states. Measles that was completely out of the public medical records due to vaccines being so efficient by the year 2000. The three states are the original first record in Texas, then it moved rapidly to three counties there and then was reported in New Mexico and now it's in Ohio. Last time there was a major health crisis the same Bloated Bovoid was in office. This is even worse. One child has already died. And the current health secretary is anti-vaccine and was reported saying 'measels happens and children die' as if it were no big deal.

Okay enough of that. The weather is warm, we have money and may well be going to the Safari Park tomorrow. That's the plan at least. It's about a 45 minute drive but we get in free just have to pay for parking and any food. Hope to have pictures of fun times.



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