Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The struggle continues, but we have rain.

 It is finally raining, not a deluge where I am but a good gentle soaking that ranges from mist to sprinkles. Garden is growing, seedlings are growing and bank account..... well that's another story

I fulfilled my civic responsibility and am not needed for jury duty yay! The bank fiasco is straightened out and I have a new card with no further incidents to report. Other than only having $18 left in the bank after paying SDGE but not my phone. Phone is $55 so that is going to be put off until either I get some extra money (40 or 50 would be nice to make it to the end of the month) or next check, which ever comes first.

I have realized (again) I do actually need to take my naproxen and supplements or I start feeling like a gear box that needs oil. Start moving slower, joints don't move as well, fingers start swelling and not bending as good. The reason I mention this is last week I started getting painful burps again so stopped taking everything for two days and had this epiphany. My knee is on and off again being stiff and swollen which is also related to my constant diet of anti-inflammatory things. I haven't been able to do my walks due to knee and weather.

Jon is doing fine, he is actually holding steady on his weight or losing a pound then gaining back. He was looking at the diuretic he was instructed to take because his weight shot up about 2 pounds. The label said there should be 90 in the bottle and did a count, there were only 45. He used some power words when he left the first message. 'Did my insurance get billed for 90 and I only got 45?' They called him back immediately and said to come in and they would be happy to take care of that for him. (Turns out his weight was back down in the evening so he didn't need to take it). 

He did encounter a bonofide entitled white dude and his chick at the counter. They were both wearing jackets (or a denim vest?) that said '100% White Dude' or something and the girls said 'Girl'. Sure enough, they caused a stink at the counter because he thought he didn't have to pay the $15 for his prescription and even said, 'Okay can I speak to a white person because obviously you don't know what you're doing and a white person will.' Yeah..he said that. If I had been there....hoooboy. The girl behind the counter was brown skinned and possibly East Indian. I'm surprised Jon didn't say anything because I sure would have. The guy ended up having his insurance copay explained to him three times and had to pay the money for his prescription. They were laughing and smiling as they walked through the parking lot likely about how they put that girl in her place. Jackasses

Seriously, we have four years of civic and governmental breakdown ahead of us and situations like that need to be dealt with. A school district in L.A. had ICE agents posting information all around the school fence and neighborhood. Just the information about them and a number to call. Gee, where did we see that before?  

I don't have many opportunities to do what is needed but I hope in the next four years I will be able to do something.

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