Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Good doctor visit and excitement

But first, the weather. October 1 and it was 93 today. It is going to be similar if not warmer tomorrow. What theee heck (to quote my favorite sea monster).

So we have the AC running but will likely shut it off in a few minutes (around  8pm). I just peeked at my SDGE 'expected' cost and if it's accurate even on the high side, it's going to be a heckuva lot less than last month.

(stupid formatting for photos on blogger is driving me nuts! It worked fine on my garden blog and now it's being all wonky putting the pictures in weird places.)

If anyone has in depth knowledge of the editing format and whatever of blogger please contact me. I'm about to start looking for a different blog company to do this. In any case, here's a picture of rocky who is, tip of tail to nose about 32 inches long. 

So as I said, doctor visit was good, she's thorough but not fine detailed (scale said I weigh 212...yeeesh! all other vital signs were normal). It was a meet and greet kind of thing, I told her about my various aches and pains, my knee that is not healing very quickly she wiggled it around, felt it and agreed it seemed a bit warm so about the only thing to do is ice and elevate and stay off it. Right. She did the listening to my lungs and heart and all that then felt my neck and throat, and said she might have felt something in my neck but it could be just thyroid and asked me if I've ever had issues with it and told her no, my daughter did. She ordered an ultrasound just to be sure and because I noticed my hearing was getting a bit odd she ordered a hearing test.Check up in another six months unless something comes up between now and then. Cholesterol is a bit high but lower than it was a year ago, so that's okay. I guess.

Tomorrow I have the ultrasound on my neck, then mammogram and a bone density scan all in the same location one right after the other. It's great having a facility nearby that can take care of all that, the eye doctor on the other hand, if I go through Sharp, the soonest I can get an appointment is December. I'm looking at other options through Medicaid/Medi-Cal that are no or low cost. The previous one that I used doesn't take Medi-Cal.

So we have the AC running but will likely shut it off in a few minutes (around  8pm). I just peeked at my SDGE 'expected' cost and if it's accurate even on the high side, it's going to be a heckuva lot less than last month. They must have changed over to the fall/winter rates or something because it's about $100 less than last month at about the same time. Will have to see how far it goes up using the AC and fans for three days. 

And finally, my birthday wish has come true. We're going to Disneyland (through a generous donation of the minimum funds) Jon just showed me his shoes though and ... mine aren't in the best of shape but we don't have the extra money to get two pairs of shoes this month. Saving our spare change for just a little extra something at D'land. I know my feet, legs and hips still aren't up to walking very far, they start hurting just walking for ten minutes. Going to keep doing it though and try to get Jon to do some walking and be on his feet too. Otherwise we'll be stopping at every available bench possible around the park. Every sit down ride possible in a building and wherever else we can.

I haven't paid for the tickets yet. Two tickets and the parking leaves us about $150 of the generous birthday gift and that has to go to food, gas and little gifty things for us. Will make it stretch for sure. Ever so thankful and grateful for generous family and friends.



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